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Court Reporting Certificate Program Information

Graduates of the Court Reporitng Certificate program are educated for interesting and challenging positions of responsibility and trust as freelance reporters, official reporters, legislative reporters, broadcast captioners, CART reporters, and realtime reporters. Students receiving their certificate in court reporting must complete all requirements for all classes, as well as all graduation requirements listed in the catalog. This program meets or exceeds all requirements of the National Court Reporters Association. Students must take at least 12 credit hours per semester to qualify as a full-time student.

  • Academic Level: Undergraduate
  • Academic Credential: Certificate
  • Length of Program: 5 semesters based on full time enrollment
  • Normal Time Frame to Complete: 75 weeks  based on full time enrollment
  • Maximum Time Frame to Complete: 120 weeks based on full time enrollment
  • Credit Hours: 55
  • Accepts Transfer of Credit: Yes

To be eligible for a certificate in court reporting, a student must meet the following requirements by earning 55 hours of credit for court reporting in machine shorthand and other specified courses.  The student must complete the following specific requirements:

  • Pass nine 5-minute dictation tests from unfamiliar material with at least 95 percent accuracy in the following categories: three 180 literary tests, three 200 jury charge tests, three 225 two-voice testimony tests following the college’s exit speed requirement policy;
  • Transcribe simulated CSR/RPR skills tests at 180 literary, 200 jury charge, 225 testimony with no more than 3.75 hours transcription time (75 minutes per test);
  • Transcribe a simulated Certified Realtime Reporter (CRR) test at 180-200 words per minute for five minutes;
  • Produce a ten-page, first-pass transcript with 95 percent translation within two hours using CAT software;
  • Complete and pass an internship consisting of 60 actual hours of writing time on the shorthand machine and transcribe at least 50 pages from the internship experience;
  • Pass Communications, Court Reporting English, Advanced Communications, Introduction to Realtime Technology, Court Reporting Processes and Development, Technology I, Advanced Transcript Production, and CSR/RPR Preparation.
  • Students who repeat an SB (speedbuilding) course or exceed the standard time frame may be required to take remedial courses or electives each semester. 
  • Students must achieve an overall cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.0 in all courses completed.

A sample schedule is as follows:

5 Semesters — 55 Credit Hours

Semester 1:


SB101 Realtime Theory I 6
CR100 Court Reporting English3
Total Credits: 9.00

Semester 2:


SB102 Realtime Theory II6
C260 Personal Finance3
C130 Advanced Communications3
Total Credits: 12.00

Semester 3:


SB201 Speedbuilding I6
CR110 Introduction to Realtime Technology3
CR120 Court Reporting Processes and Development3
Total Credits: 12.00

Semester 4:


SB202 Speedbuilding II6
CR210 Technology I3
TE201 Advanced Transcript Production3
Total Credits: 12.00

Semester 5:


SB203 Speedbuilding III6
CR280 CSR/RPR Preparation3
CR290 Courtroom/Court Reporting Practicum1
Total Credits: 10.00

Click Here to view the DEAC Student Achievement Disclosure for the Public 

There is a $50 application (registration) fee. CCR charges by the credit hour. Each credit hour is $395. Speebuilding classes are six credit hours, academics are three credit hours, and internships are one credit hour. A monthly payment plan may be arranged whenever necessary. There is no service charge if tuition is paid monthly. A late charge may be assessed when payment is made past the due date. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover may be used for all payments. Financial Aid is also available to those who qualify. The college defines the following based on credit hours enrolled:

12+ Credits = Full-time
9 to 11 Credits = Three-quarter time
6 to 8 Credits = Half-time
1 to 5 Credits = Less than half-time

All tuition, books, and fees are due by the end of the fourth week of the semester. Students who cannot pay their tuition in full by the due date must make payment arrangements through a payment plan with the director of student services. There is no service charge if tuition is paid monthly. A late charge may be assessed when payment is made past the due date. Discover, Visa, and MasterCard may be used for all payments. A full refund will be made to any student who cancels the enrollment contract within six business days after the enrollment agreement is signed. After expiration of the six business days cancellation privilege, the school will retain the $50.00 registration fee.

close up of hands on a stenographic machine

Net Price Calculator

The College of Court Reporting Net Price Calculator is designed to help you estimate how much the total cost of the program you are interested in will be. Based on the information you provide about the finances of you and your family, it calculates your potential eligibility for financial aid and then deducts that number from the total cost of tuition, room and board (if applicable), and other educational expenses. The resulting number is an estimate only, but can help guide you as you make your education financing decisions.


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