Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Licensing Info | Grants reciprocity to CVR (NVRA) or RPR (NCRA) |
CR Board | |
State Association |
Arizona Court Reporters Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Licensing Info | Grants reciprocity to CVR (NVRA) or RPR (NCRA) plus Arizona Written Examination |
CR Board | |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Arizona Court Reporters Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Licensing Info | Successful completion of NCRA or NVRA certification required. |
CR Board | |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Arkansas Court Reporters Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Licensing Info | Successful completion of RPR (NCRA) or CVR (NVRA) is required prior to testing for state certification or work experience or successful completion of a California-Recognized Court Reporting School. |
CR Board | |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
California Court Reporters Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Licensing Info | None |
CR Board | None |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Connecticut Court Reporters Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Licensing Info | None |
CR Board | None |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Licensing Info | Pass a voluntary written exam. Those who score an 80% or above will be awarded the FPR cert (Florida Professional Reporter). |
CR Board | None |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Florida Court Reporters Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Pass written exam. Must pass NCRA or NVRA exam before applying for Georgia’s certification. |
Exam Description | 180 Lit, 200 Jury Charge, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
State of Georgia Board of Court Reporting | |
Georgia Certified Court Reporters Association | |
GCCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Pass written exam. Must pass the NCRA exam before applying for Hawaii’s CSR certification. |
Exam Description | 180 Lit, 200 Jury Charge, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Method | Steno Only |
State Association |
Hawaii Board of Certified Shorthand Reporters | |
HICSR Certification | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Pass written exam. |
Exam Description | 180 Lit, 200 Jury Charge, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Method | Steno Only |
State Association |
Idaho Court Reporters Association | |
ICRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Pass written exam. |
Exam Description | 200 Jury Charge or Legal Opinion, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Method | Steno Only |
State Association |
Illinois Court Reporters Association | |
ILCRA Membership | |
Annual Seminar | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified? | Pass written exam. Reciprocity granted to tested RPRs. |
Exam Description | 180 Medical Q&A, 200 Solid Matter, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Kansas Court Reporters Association | |
KCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Kentucky Court Reporters Association | |
KYCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | Louisiana Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
LCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Maine Court Reporters Association | |
MECRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Maryland Court Reporters Association | |
MCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
State Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Pass written exam. Reciprocity given for RPR skills portion only. |
Exam Description | 180 Lit, 200 Jury Charge, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Michigan Association of Professional Court Reporters | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Officials must have their RPR and have graduated from an NCRA certified program. |
Exam Description | 180 Lit, 200 Jury Charge, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Minnesota Association of Verbatim Reporters & Captioners | |
MAVRC Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
State Bar Association | |
MCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | Board of Certified Court Reporter Examiners |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
MCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
State Association |
Montana Court Reporters Association | |
MTCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
How to Become Certified | No official state test. Proficiency is proven through past work, RPR certification, or a state proficiency test is administered. Reciprocity is granted to tested RPRs and CSRs if those standards are the same. |
State Association |
Nebraska Court Reporters Association | |
NECRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Pass written exam. |
Exam Description | Skill: Dictation not less than 200 or more than 225. |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
State of Nevada Court Reporters Board | |
Nevada Court Reporters Association | |
NVCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno Only |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Must pass all three skills portions o the test in one sitting. The written portion may be passed separately. Reciprocity granted to tested RPRs and CSRs who passed an equivalent exam, and have three out of four years experience immediately prior to application. |
Exam Description | 180 Lit, 200 Jury Charge, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice (Voice Realtime Only) |
State Association |
New Mexico Court Reporters Association | |
NMCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
How to Become Certified | Must pass written exam for officialship. |
Exam Description | Skill: 7 min 200 4-voice Q&A, 4 min 175 Jury Charge, 5 min 175 Medical Q&A at 95% |
State Association |
New York Court Reporters Association | |
NYSCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes (Officialships Only) |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Accepted Methods | |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | North Dakota Court Reporters Association |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
Accepted Method | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Ohio Court Reporters Association | |
OCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno Only |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Pennsylvania Court Reporters Association | |
PCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Accepted Methods | Steno Only |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | Rhode Island Shorthand Reporters Association |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Only for Official reporters. Not mandatory for Freelance reporters. |
How to Become Certified | Testing administered by Court Administration for court. May be waived for CM. |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
South Carolina Court Reporters Association | |
SCCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | No |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Will grant CSR to tested RPRs and CSRs with equivalent testing. |
Exam Description | 180 Lit, 200 Jury Charge, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Tennessee Court Reporters Association | |
TNCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
How to Become Certified | Must pass written exam. |
Exam Description | 180 Lit, 200 Jury Charge, 225 Q&A; at 95% |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Texas Court Reporters Association | |
TCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
Accepted Methods | Steno Only |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Virginia Court Reporters Association | |
VCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None Required |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | West Virginia Court Reporters Association |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | None tequired, though Official Reporters can receive a pay raise for obtaining national certification. |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Wisconsin Court Reporters Association | |
WCRA Membership | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes (Officialships Only) |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
Certification |
Certification Mandatory? | Yes |
Certification Information | |
Accepted Methods | Steno and Voice |
State Association |
Start Bar Association | |
National Associations |
National Court Reporters Association | |
United States Court Reporters Association | |
National Verbatim Reporters Association | |
Society for the Technological Advancement of Reporting | |
American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers | |
International Associations |
Intersteno | |
Court Reporters Association of Ontario | |
Alberta Shorthand Reporters Association | |
British Columbia Shorthand Reporters Association | |
Association Française des Sténotypistes de Conférences | |
Australasian Court Reporting Industry Association | |
Brisitish Institute of Verbatim Reporting | |
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