Alumni Spotlight – Hannah J. Musgrave
College of Court Reporting (CCR) loves to share alumni stories because we are so proud of their accomplishments. Completing court reporting school can be a challenge. Our alumni not only succeed in that endeavor but move on to attain awesome positions in the profession.
This month, CCR is proud to welcome Hannah Musgrave to our Alumni Spotlight.
Current city, state? Bristol, IN
Graduation Date? May 24, 2013
Employer? Elkhart County, Superior Court 6
Title? Official Court Reporter
What were you doing before you came to court reporting school? I was working at Help At Home, working with disabled clients.
How did you get interested in court reporting? A job convention at my high school.
Why did you choose CCR? I chose CCR because it was the most reputable court reporting school in my area.
What motivated you to finish school? I needed/wanted to begin my career, and I needed to get benefits/support myself.
Who was your support system? My family and husband were the BIGGEST supporters.
Best tip for a brand new court reporting student? ALWAYS stay CONSISTENT!! NEVER GIVE UP!!! DON’T be too hard on yourself. And ALWAYS reward yourself for you accomplishments, no matter how big. You’re moving forward.
Best advice you got while in court reporting school? Don’t let the minor set-backs take a toll on your accomplishments and moving forward.
Talk about your transition from school to working in the profession. At first, it was a little intimidating being “thrown to the wolves” as they say. I was mostly prepared as a court reporter; but, freelancing was quite different than “regular” court. But, overall, it was a decent transition. You will NEVER learn fully unless you’re involved in it. So, I think I needed that push.
What do you ALWAYS make sure to pack in your CR bag? Extra exhibit stickers (all kinds), pens, machine, extension cord, extra batteries for my mouse, mouse, laptop, charge cord for machine and laptop, a snack, water, extra memory card for machine, phone for WiFi, if necessary, call sheet, if necessary, A SMILE J
Any guilty pleasures, hobbies, etc? (NON- CR related!) I would have to say concerts, family time, off-roading with my hubby and friends, crafting, and SUNFLOWERS. J
Who is someone you admire and why? I admire a LOT of people. But, if I have to choose one individual, I’d have to say my mother. She has had a lot of not-so-good things happen to her throughout the years; and she has remained SO STRONG through it all. Giving up isn’t an option. She has been a HUGE part of my life thus far and so has my husband, Jonathan. They’re my go-to’s.
Thank you for answering my questions, Hannah! CCR wishes you the best in all of your future endeavors!
Natalie Kijurna
College of Court Reporting: The online education you want. The quality you deserve.