An NCRA Convention Essay by Pamela Filewood

Since I’ve been at CCR, I have overcome many challenges. The most important and significant challenges I’ve overcome are my stagnant speed, inadequate motivation, and limited skill set. I was at another school and struggling in each of these areas, but within a very short amount of time, I started seeing noticeable differences manifesting in each.

First, I was experiencing a plateau while working on my 100s. After I started at CCR, attended live speedbuilding classes, listened to recorded speedbuilding classes, and used ev360, my speed increased considerably. I passed 19 SAPs the first month, 7 SAPs the second month, and 4 SAPs the third month. I suddenly found myself writing at 140 words per minute. Shortly thereafter, I passed another SAP at 160 words per minute. Not only did I break through that plateau, I exploded through it!

Along with the improvements in my speed, my motivation re-emerged, and I welcomed it back with open arms. With the guidance and encouragement of my instructors and my coach, I realized that I would soon be writing at 225 words per minute. Each week I’m eager and excited to keep pushing and challenging myself. I feel invigorated and inspired after each accomplishment. After every attempt at an SAP, I patiently wait for my final grade, listen intently to the instructor’s feedback, take notes, and immediately start practicing again. Whenever I need guidance on my educational path, a sounding board for career- or goal-related questions, or just a listening ear, I know that I can ask any one of the dedicated staff members, and they will provide me with sound advice, worldly wisdom, and heartfelt encouragement.

Consequently, my skill set has improved. I regularly restructure my practice regimen to ensure I’m exposed to a wide assortment of material. This also guarantees my practice time doesn’t get boring or monotonous. The innumerable options available on the course site make this effortless to do, and the multitude of diverse practice material ensures that I’m becoming well-versed in many different subject matters. As I progress in my court reporter training, I realize during every practice session how much progress I’ve made since I’ve been at CCR. If anyone told me that I could be writing at 225 words per minute by the end of 2012, I would have laughed. Now that I’m currently in my 160-180 speeds, however, I see a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s only a matter of time before I’ll be writing at 225 words per minute. I find myself daydreaming of the numerous opportunities that will abound once I graduate from CCR. Whether I become a court reporter, captioner, or CART provider, I know that I’ve built a solid foundation through my schooling at CCR. Their program has been developed to ensure students succeed, and it is the primary reason I’ve overcome my personal challenges. My speed is increasing, my motivation is unwavering, and my skill set is exceptional. I am sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting with bated breath, with the knowledge that the goal for which I have strived for almost three years is almost a reality – becoming a CSR.