Category Archives: CCR Articles
October Alumni Spotlight
CCR Student Shines as October’s Alumni Spotlight Josh Foley Where do you currently reside (city,state)? Right now I’m in Denver, CO but am moving to Washington, DC at the end of October. Why did you decide to come to court reporting school? I was looking for a new career and happened to find CCR while […]
In preparation for the NCRA Registered Professional Reporter (RPR) skills examination and to educate all CCR students on the importance of certification, CCR will be offering RPR preparation speedbuilding classes for all SH levels on the dates listed below. The speedbuilding classes will be held on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to […]
November CCR Alumni Spotlight – Justine Kiechel
1. Where do you currently reside (city,state)?I currently reside in West Chester, PA.It’s about 25 miles outside of Philadelphia. 2. Why did you decide to come to court reporting school?I received my bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and began working full-time at the courthouse. I was occasionally clerking hearings and loved being in the courtroom. […]
What to Expect During YOUR Professional Semester!
To graduate from College of Court Reporting, students must complete a 60-hour internship at their local courthouse or court reporting firm. The following is an interview with Angel McCullough, a CCR student who is currently completing her professional semester. Here is what she had to share about this crucial component in court reporting education: Where […]
Why You Should Care About ‘Captioning Matters’
The National Court Reporters Association (NCRA) is launching a new campaign to promote “awareness of captions and advocate for the increased need for accurate, understandable, and timely captions.” The movement will not only help those in need of captions but also protect the industry that provides them. For those of us who hear well, it’s […]
What to Expect During YOUR Professional Semester Part 2
The following is a brief interview with Margaret Abernathy, a high-speed student currently completing her internship. If you are wondering about what to expect when you get out in the real world, you’ll want to read this: Where are you interning and is there anyone that you’re directly job shadowing? I am currently interning under […]
February Alumni Spotlight: Teresa Cattelan
1. Where do you currently reside (city, state, country)? I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. 2. Why did you decide to come to court reporting school? As a self-taught student in Australia, I had hit a speed building slump and desperately wanted to jump over that 130wpm hurdle. So with thanks to the Phoenix Theory […]
Interview with Brittany Mahle
Hobart, IN–College of Court Reporting (CCR) is proud to announce that one of its very own students is the recipient of the ILCRA Student Scholarship Essay Contest. In order to receive this scholarship, the nominee must meet a specific list of criteria, which includes successfully transcribing five minutes of testimony at 160 words per minute, […]
College of Court Reporting: #iheartccr (for 30 years!) and here’s why…
Written by: Natalie Kijurna In 1984, Kay Moody made a life-changing decision. That was the year she decided to take matters into her own hands and start College of Court Reporting (CCR) – no small task considering she had four children and money was tight. But, undaunted, she unselfishly brought three students into her […]