Category Archives: CCR Articles
Court Reporting and Captioning Week – CCR
Court Reporting and Captioning Week at CCR Contest Opportunity Students, here is your opportunity to win a prize while working on your skills! During the 2017 Court Reporting & Captioning Week, transcribe as many tests as possible and qualify to win a great prize. You do not need to pass them; simply transcribe the tests. […]
Interview with CCR Graduate Kirstie Anderson
When did you graduate? I passed my last speed test on May12, 2016. My last day of court reporting school ever was May 27,2016. I will walk the stage August 3, 2016. What lead you to pursue court reporting as a career? This actually wasn’t my first choice. I actually had another career path planned. […]
CCR Instructor Interview with Eileen Beltz
When did you start teaching at CCR and how did you end up here?I was first introduced to CCR on an NCRA visit. Once I saw the curriculum, and how CCR was turning out the most prepared reporters in the country, I wanted to be a part of it. I emailed Janet in 2012 to […]
CCR Instructor Interview with Julie Balog
When did you start teaching at CCR and how did you end up here?Hello, and nice to meet you! My name is Julie Balog. I have been an instructor with CCR for 26 years! I have a BA in English from Indiana University, and I am currently teaching English C110 and some of the higher […]
CCR Instructor Natalie Kijurna
When did you start teaching at CCR and how did you end up here?I started teaching Foundations of Law at CCR in 2006, back when we had to type our entire lecture into a chat, and the students had to let me know they had a question by typing a question mark. We’ve come a […]
CCR Instructor Lisa Morton
When did you start teaching at CCR and how did you end up here?I started off as a student at CCR back in 1998. I had been teaching middle school for several years. I quickly realized that my passion was still teaching. I took a full-time position with CCR in 2000 in the financial aid […]
Meet INCRA’s Jennifer Morrow
The College of Court Reporting would like to introduce our guest blog contributor, Jennifer Morrow. INCRA – Who is Jennifer?. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I’m Jennifer Morrow, a recent court reporting school graduate, professional reporter, and chair of the Indiana Court Reporters Association’s Student Advocacy Committee. My work with […]
What is INCRA?
INCRA – What is INCRA? The Indiana Court Reporters Association, or INCRA for short, is the local organization for professional court reporters here in Indiana. Members pay annual dues in return for many opportunities, some of which include networking, attending conventions and training classes, obtaining support for becoming certified, earning CEUs to maintain certification, and […]
First Impressions
First Impressions By Melissa Lee, A.S., CCR, CRI In life we are granted but one first: our first step, our first day at school, our first kiss. Firsts are so important, in fact, that it has been said that there is never a second chance to make a first impression. With that thought in mind, […]
Professional Integrity Begins Now
Professional Integrity Begins Now By Melissa S. Lee, A.S., CCR, CRI In this day and time of self-indulgence, quick fixes, and instant gratification, where we stand in front of our microwave ovens tapping our foot because our four-minute dinner is taking too long and so many in our society have a sense of entitlement, have […]