Category Archives: Uncategorized
Steno Tip of the Day – 04-12-2016
STENO TIP OF THE DAY Get a piece of every word. It is really important to train yourself to get something instead of nothing for every word. Often we are thrown off by a big word that was unexpected, and we drop the whole thing when we could have easily gotten the first syllable of […]
Steno Tip of the Day – 04-15-2016
STENO TIP OF THE DAY Friday, April 15th, 2016: Fast writing is not always the same as good writing! Think about Olympic runners for a second. There are those that are trained to compete in sprints. They run very fast for a short period of time. There are others that are trained in long-distance running. […]
Voice Tip of the Day – 04-26-2016
VOICE TIP OF THE DAY Tuesday, April 26th, 2016: Voice Captioning Tip of the Week: I highly recommend finding some audio recordings online of people who speak with accents: Asian, French, American Boston (yes, a tough one, believe it or not), Spanish. I have found these to be some of the most difficult jobs to […]
Voice Tip of the Day – 05-14-2016
VOICE TIP OF THE DAY Saturday, May 14th, 2016: The software we use to recognize our voice, Dragon® NaturallySpeaking, is very finicky sometimes. I have found it LOVES big words and long technical and medical words. It’s the little words Dragon® will confuse and not capture correctly. I find things like here/her, our/are, and/an, hour/our/are […]
Interview with CCR Graduate Katie Jaraczewski
When did you graduate? I just graduated in May of this year! What lead you to pursue court reporting as a career? My mom’s friend/my mentor told me about her job and all of the benefits, the main one being money, and it sounded too good to be true at first. Instead of going to […]
Interview with CCR Student Christine Obermeyer
When did you graduate? I passed my final 225 on Friday, April 8, 2016. What lead you to pursue court reporting as a career? I had no idea what I wanted to do after high school. I knew a traditional four-year college wasn’t my thing. A friend of mine in high school wanted to be […]
Interview with Anthony Frisolone – 2016
On May 4, 2016, CCR hosted a Meet the Court Reporting Community online event. We had the opportunity to hear from Anthony Frisolone. He is an Official Court Reporter in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York. He is a Certified Realtime Reporter and also certified by NCRA as a Realtime […]
Interview with CCR Graduate Megan Reeves
When did you graduate? I passed my last test in March but my diploma wasn’t signed until May 27, 2016. What lead you to pursue court reporting as a career? I previously worked in the Clerk of Courts here in Sioux Falls, SD. I worked closely with lawyers, judges, and court reporters. I went and […]
Voice Tip of the Day – 06-20-2016
VOICE TIP OF THE DAY Monday, June 20th, 2016: Have you ever been sitting in a dictation class and really felt the material flowing and your writing was good and then the speaker said a word you have never heard before? Or a name maybe currently in the news that you didn’t know? You can’t […]
CCR Interview with Jessica WIlliams
CCR Interview with Jessica Williams When did you start at CCR?I began at CCR in June, 2015. What lead you to pursue court reporting as a career?I have worked in the Circuit Court of Colbert County in Alabama as a judicial assistant for 11 years. I have scoped for the court reporter also. The judge […]