CCR Graduate Spotlight: Abigail Guerra

CCR Student Shines as September’s Graduate Spotlight

Abigail Guerra

  1. Where do you currently reside (city,state)?
    Houston, Texas.
  2. Why did you decide to come to court reporting school?
    I was the secret nerd in school that loved typing, and when I saw a commercial for court reporting, it was love at first sight.
  3. What did you do before court reporting school (other jobs, schools, etc.)?
    I worked in fast food and banking/financial.
  4. What date did you start court reporting school?
    April of 2006.
  5. What made you choose CCR?
    My brick-and-mortar school was having a lot of administrative changes and I just didn’t feel they cared about developing a beneficial court reporting program for night students. I had heard about CCR for a while, but didn’t want to make the change. When I discovered that the disdain for my current school was affecting my progress, I went ahead and made the switch. I just wish I had done it sooner.
  6. What are your strengths/weaknesses?
    My strength and weakness are one in the same, I’m so anal and a Type A personality. You can’t be perfect all the time.
  7. What was your biggest challenge?
    Believing that I could actually be a court reporter.
  8. What motivated you to complete the program?
    CCR, my family, and Eric “ETthehiphoppreacher” Thomas.
  9. What advice would you give to other court reporting students?
    This is my favorite quote from Eric Thomas: “When you want to succeed, as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.”
  10. Do you currently have a job? If yes, what do you do?
  11. How did you find your current job?
    Networking and I worked at a court reporting firm prior to attaining my CSR.
  12. What are your future plans? What certifications do you plan on earning?
    I want to get the final leg of my RPR in November, and I’m currently working on cleaning up my dictionary to become a certified realtime reporter in a year-and-a-half.
  13. Are you a member of any associations? If so, which associations? If not, do you plan on joining any associations? If so, which associations?
    I’m a member of NCRA, HCRA (Houston Court Reporters Association, and TCRA (Texas Court Reporters Association).