CCR Instructor Lisa Morton

lisa morton

When did you start teaching at CCR and how did you end up here?
I started off as a student at CCR back in 1998.  I had been teaching middle school for several years.  I quickly realized that my passion was still teaching.  I took a full-time position with CCR in 2000 in the financial aid department and assisting in the night speedbuilding program.  From there, I began to help in the classroom and I eventually starting teaching an SH level online.  I started off working with students at the 140-160 level. Since that time, I have worked with several different levels of students.  Presently, I am assisting our new transfer students with an introduction to our technologies and philosophies.

What is your favorite thing about teaching?
My absolute favorite thing about teaching is watching students reach their educational goals and become working reporters.  When a student finds their GRIT, the sky is the limit.  This is a great career, and I believe daily practice of pushing for speed, slowing down for accuracy, reading and correcting steno notes, and drilling to correct writing errors is key.  But, most of all, students must believe in their own abilities.  Teachers are here to guide students in the right direction.

What is the best advice you ever received as a student?
Trust the process.  It is tried and true.:)

What do you want people to know about Court Reporting?
A successful court reporter is a well-rounded reporter.  Your end product, the transcript, is important.  But you must be on time to each job, prepared for the job, up-to-date with technology, exude professionalism, and realize you are the face of the agency that you will be working for.  Honesty, professionalism, and integrity go a long way in this career.  Remember, you are the guardian of the record.  You are the one running the show!  🙂