Hobart, IN–College of Court Reporting (CCR) is proud to announce that one of its very own students is the recipient of the ILCRA Student Scholarship Essay Contest. In order to receive this scholarship, the nominee must meet a specific list of criteria, which includes successfully transcribing five minutes of testimony at 160 words per minute, currently attending an Illinois court reporting school or is an Illinois resident attending an out-of-state court reporting school, and composing an essay on the topic of “The Probable Secret of Success in Court Reporting School.” The 2014 recipient was Amy Krueger.
Amy is an online student from Illinois. She transferred to CCR in the Spring 2013 semester and is now writing at 200 words per minute. Amy is the epitome of a great court reporting student. Her commitment and passion for court reporting is evident. She has already demonstrated that she will represent the college and the profession well in the working world.
ILCRA holds a scholarship essay contest each year with prizes for the first, second, and third place winners. Amy received a $1000 scholarship, a one-day registration to the 2014 ILCRA Annual Convention with hotel accommodations in Oakbrook, Illinois, and a membership in ILCRA for a year. In her essay Ms. Krueger states that “In my experience, the probable secret of success in court reporting school is confronting disappointing grades and gradual speed-building progress with unattempted techniques and a willingness to take a new approach.”
College of Court Reporting would like to take this opportunity to not only congratulate Amy for her accomplishments but to also thank the Illinois Court Reporters Association for giving students the opportunity to participate in the essay contest.