February Alumni Spotlight: Teresa Cattelan
1. Where do you currently reside (city, state, country)?
I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
2. Why did you decide to come to court reporting school?
As a self-taught student in Australia, I had hit a speed building slump and desperately wanted to jump over that 130wpm hurdle. So with thanks to the Phoenix Theory Forum and Cheryl Hoover, I approach CCR and the rest is history.
3. What did you do before court reporting school (other jobs, schools, etc.)?
I spent 10 years in the casino gaming industry. I started out as a croupier and then progressed to a remedial trainer. I loved that industry, but I love court reporting so much more!
4. What date did you start court reporting school?
I began with CCR in 2011.
5. What made you choose CCR?
I created a post on the Phoenix Theory Forum, and to my delight the lovely Cheryl Hoover responded with the suggestion of attending CCR.
6. What are your strengths/weaknesses?
Strengths: Tenacity and determination.
Weaknesses: Stubborn and impatient.
7. What was your biggest challenge?
To NEVER give up! Through many tears and negative thoughts I was determined to NEVER give up. If court reporting was easy, EVERYBODY would be doing it!
As a self-funded student that meant doing whatever it took to graduate. Due to the time difference, that meant I had to be awake from 1am to 4am to attend the morning live I-classes and 9am to 12pm to attend the evening live I-classes. My social life was non-existent; and once I made it to the 225 class, I took six months off work, buckled down and pretty much spent every waking moment fine-tuning my skill to where it is now. I am by no means perfect; but if you want results, you HAVE to put in the time.
8. What motivated you to complete the program?
I did some work experience CARTing for a hearing-impaired student whilst still in school, and I just loved the idea of using my skill to help someone learn.
10. Do you currently have a job? If yes, what do you do?
I’m a freelance reporter now, and my jobs really are quite varied. One of my first jobs was a conference with 400+ attendees. I was so nervous, but I find the pressure of it all highly addictive.
11. How did you find your current job?
I sent resumes to a number of companies I wanted to work for and obtained employment that way.
12. What are your future plans? What certifications do you plan on earning? Do you currently hold any certifications?
I’m toying with the idea of taking the plunge and starting my own business. It’s going to be a lot of hard work, but I know I can do it. There are no organisations here in Australia like the NCRA. As such, any certifications from overseas are not recognised. Most Australian companies require you to pass a test set by the employer.
13. Are you a member of any associations? If so, which associations? If not, do you plan on joining any associations? If so, which associations?
No, I am not a member of any associations here in Australia as none of them exist. I know that seems hard to believe; however, the industry here in Australia is literally a drop in the ocean compared to the likes of America.