Meet INCRA’s Jennifer Morrow
The College of Court Reporting would like to introduce our guest blog contributor, Jennifer Morrow.
INCRA – Who is Jennifer?.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. I’m Jennifer Morrow, a recent court reporting school graduate, professional reporter, and chair of the Indiana Court Reporters Association’s Student Advocacy Committee. My work with INCRA is important to me because I needed the support of others to transition from student to reporter. I want to help other students get that support as well.
Like many of us, court reporting is not my first career. I went to college right out of high school to become a teacher. I got my bachelor’s degree and teaching certifications in 2002. I taught English as a Second Language and basic literacy classes in the prison system for over ten years before being laid off when my school was closed. A friend mentioned that she thought court reporting would be a good fit for me so I decided to start a new career.
I began taking classes at Wilson College in Indianapolis just a week after being laid off. It took me almost four years to pass that last test and graduate, but I hung in there and finished school. It turned out I completed just in the nick of time as my school closed its doors the following month.
I was extremely fortunate to be offered a job as an official in the Marion County Courts right out of school. I worked there for the first 18 months after I graduated and learned a huge amount from the veteran reporter who was the lead reporter in my court. Rule changes by court administration in early 2016 prompted me to leave my official position for a freelance position with a court reporting firm in Indianapolis. I made that change in July of 2016.
Throughout my school years and into my transition from student to official, then official to freelancer, I have been involved in INCRA. I won the INCRA scholarship twice during my four years of school. I attended all the conventions I could, including the NCRA convention in Nashville, Tennessee. When I graduated, I served on the Student Advocacy Committee for a year before becoming chair. I honestly wouldn’t be in the position I’m in today without INCRA’s support.