Nat’s Chats!
I hope you’re having a wonderful week! It’s been BEAUTIFUL in Hobart over the last few days, and we’re really feeling the summer weather.
In case you might not have noticed, the Job Drawer took a break last week. I was busy preparing for College of Court Reporting’s visit from our accrediting body the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (ACICS) which took place on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. We have not had an accreditation visit for seven years and there was much to prepare. In fact, the preparation for this visit started well over a year ago.
But, in spite of all the anxiety, angst, nail-biting, sweating, screaming, crying (and that was just from me the first morning…lol just kidding!!) I’m thrilled to report that the visit went very well!! In fact, the accreditation team even went so far as to throw around phrases like “premiere court reporting school” and “if this were my school, I’d be elated” when speaking to us about CCR. So, YAY, TEAM CCR!!!
I would also like to personally thank each and every one of you for being a CCR alumnus. It means a lot to us that you chose our school and then put your nose to the grindstone and finished out your course of study, no matter the roadblocks that might have been thrown in your way. I sincerely don’t want you to think I’m just blowing smoke when I say that we wouldn’t be who we are without our students and our alumni who challenge us, push us, and dare us to be the very best. It’s because of you that we keep moving forward to improve our existing programs and build new programs such as ev360 Ultimate. I know I speak for all the administrators and staff when I thank you for being on the front lines every day showing the world what CCR alumni are capable of in the profession of court reporting. And, for those of you who might not be exactly where you want to be yet, we applaud you for your tenaciousness and determination in working towards your goals. I want to specifically thank the alumni that might have spoken directly to an ACICS team member over the last two days. Your participation in this process was appreciated more than you know.
Together we ARE CCR!
On another note, I wanted to let each of you know that our registration deadline for the summer semester is next Friday, May 15, which is fast approaching. If you know anyone who is interested in learning more about a court reporting career, please send them our way! They can contact Nicky Rodriquez at for any and all information 🙂 We’d love to have a nice big bunch for our summer semester!
Last, Happy Mother’s Day to all the people who “mother” out there every day, whether it’s your own child, someone else’s, or a furry (or not so furry…thinking snake – yuck! But, whatever) friend. You are the unsung heroes. And, with that, I give you one of my all time favorite videos about moms. If you ever think you have a tough job, I think you’ll agree that being a mom trumps it after you listen to these real interviews. It’s short and oh so very sweet – please check it out here.
Have a wonderful weekend!