Professional Scholarship Recipients
College of Court Reporting would like to congratulate nine alumni who are Professional Scholarship recipients. The funds were made available through a grant from the US Department of Education’s Training for Realtime Writers (TRTW) program. Way to go grads!
Here’s how some of them are going to use the money:
Shannon G. is going to purchase the professional version of Total Eclipse.
Ginger H. will be putting the scholarship award towards the bill she has from previously purchasing her professional software and the captioning component (Eclipse and AccuCap).
Nadine C. plans on using the scholarship money to purchase an NVRA membership, an updated version of DragonDictation, a steno mask, pay for a workshop, and testing to become a certified verbatim reporter.
Debra P. plans on using the money to purchase a 24-inch computer monitor that will accommodate all the various screens she needs to have open in order to do voice captioning.
Joshua F. will be purchasing a new laptop and software.
Barb H. will use the funds to take the Registered Broadcast Provider and the Registered CART Provider tests through NVRA. She’s also used part of the funds for airfare and hotel to their annual convention and for fees related to testing equipment she’ll need to buy, etc. She then will work towards taking the Certified Verbatim Reporter (CVR) and Realtime Verbatim Reporter (RVR) tests.
Patricia G. will use the money to purchase a steno mask, take some of the certification tests, and pay for some of the travel expense to get to the test sites.
Corrine K. will use the money to obtain professional certification, continuing education, and equipment. She will also use the money to help with travel costs to the NVRA conference this July in New Orleans where she will test for RCP and RBC (Registered Cart Provider and Registered Broadcast Captioner).