EV360 Realtime Theory
As you embark on your journey to becoming proficient court reporters, we know you will start to hear much chatter about what theory to learn. While we won’t debate that one theory is better than another, we do feel it is important to have a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of machine shorthand language or steno theory. So, we would love to share our thoughts on the topic!
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EV360 Realtime Theory
As you embark on your journey to becoming proficient court reporters, we know you will start to hear much chatter about what theory to learn. While we won’t debate that one theory is better than another, we do feel it is important to have a clear understanding of the fundamental principles of machine shorthand language or steno theory. So, we would love to share our thoughts on the topic! The EV360 Realtime Theory is based on the principles developed when students could complete their court reporting education in two years or less. A steno theory’s basic principles must be logical to the learner, easy to understand, and not require massive amounts of memorization.
Advanced writing principles should be introduced after the learner has a solid foundation of the theory’s basic principles. The same is true when learning any other language or musical instrument. Advanced principles include learning how to shorten one’s writing would be considered an advanced principle.
At the College of Court Reporting, our administrators and teaching staff have worked diligently to create easily learned and logical theory principles that incorporate the latest technology and artificial intelligence for court reporting, broadcast captioning, and CART reporting. Our method not only encompasses theory but also provides a way to learn machine shorthand and develop the skills and proficiency required to write rapidly, write shorter, and write with a high degree of accuracy while incorporating modern technologies of Computer Aided Transcription software.
Our educational solutions textbooks are specifically developed for adult learners, who have unique characteristics such as the need for autonomy, relevance, and organization in their lessons. These students have years of experience and knowledge that their younger counterparts may lack and must apply what they already know to new machine shorthand concepts and principles of writing. Review and positive reinforcement throughout the learning journey are crucial to their success.
The book for beginning students contains 69 lessons, with each lesson building on and reviewing previous material. This method is critical when learning a new language and developing a psychomotor skill. The lesson format includes drills for numbers, alphabets, finger exercises, new keystrokes, principles of writing, or new steno rules, keyboard drills, and practice, outlines for brief forms and phrases, word lists illustrating the new rule, preview words for all sentences, and sentences for straight-copy practice and dictation containing all the new material and reviewing previous material.
We also emphasize the importance of reading and correcting steno notes during the writing process. This helps one learn to identify steno language weaknesses, which causes hesitations, which slows down the rate at which one can progress in their speed building journey. Finally, we address conflicts that can arise in shorthand outlines and how to resolve them.
We are confident that our EV360 Realtime Theory and philosophy will provide you with the tools and skills necessary to succeed in your court reporting education and career. We have created an account for you on our Learn Steno website and enrolled you in the Trial course site. This course site will give you an opportunity to see how our non-live instructional resources are presented as a student enrolled at CCR. Lastly, we are including a preview of the first 30 lessons so you can see how easy and logical the EV360 Realtime Theory is to learn.
We want to take it one step further!! We are excited that you are considering a career in court reporting and would love for you to chose our school as your potential educational home. We would also love for you to be able to preview our theory and see what classes will be like for you at CCR. Please reach out to use at information@ccr.edu to request access to our introductory theory course.
New material is gradually presented throughout the textbook along with review lessons. Students must master each concept before they move on to the next lesson as each lesson contains material from previous lessons. To minimize frustration, lessons are balanced so more difficult material is dispersed throughout the textbook and intermingled with easier material. All lessons begin with finger exercises and a warm-up. Except for the review lessons, all lessons contain the following:
- Drills for numbers, alphabets, finger exercises;
- New keystrokes, principles of writing, or new steno rules;
- Keyboard drills and practice;,
- Outlines for brief forms and phrases;,
- Word lists illustrating the new rule and reinforcing previously learned rules;
- Preview words for all sentences;
- Sentences for straight-copy practice and dictation containing all the new material and reviewing previous material.
To effectively master machine shorthand theory, students should study and write on their machine a minimum of five days a week. The amount of time each day depends on the student, but students will be highly proficient and can complete the program in two years or less if they allow four hours a day for each lesson. The following daily study plan for lessons containing new material is recommended:
- Students should read through the lesson.
- Students should visualize and memorize the new keystrokes that are introduced in the lesson.
- Students should practice writing the new strokes on their steno machines and check their steno strokes to see if they wrote them correctly.
- Students should write each section at least five times before going on to the next section.
- The teacher should go over all aspects of the lesson in class.
- When students go through the preview words, they should read each word as well as the correct steno outlines.
- Students are encouraged to think of the relevance or logic of the rules for writing the words to help in memorizing the outlines.
- Students write the words on their shorthand machines.
- Students are told to always read and correct their notes before going on to another part of the lesson.
The fifth and tenth lessons are review lessons.
An essential element of developing speed, skill, and accuracy in machine shorthand is having students read and correct their shorthand notes.
Some shorthand outlines could translate homophones as more than one word.
Straight-copy practice or text-based copy is valuable for adults when developing skill in machine shorthand, especially for “visual” learners.
Most words are written phonetically, by sound and by what one hears, and they may resemble English (especially with certain vowel sounds). Brief outlines for words are introduced in most lessons.
All lessons contain sentences using the new outlines and principles of writing presented in the lesson.
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Tuition is $395 per credit hour. A monthly payment plan may be arranged whenever necessary. There is no service charge if tuition is paid monthly. A late charge may be assessed when payment is made past the due date. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover may be used for all payments. Financial Aid is also available to those who qualify.
Federal Pell Grant and Student Loan Programs
We participate in the Federal Pell Grant and student loan programs. Our school code is 026158. Our financial aid officer would be happy to assist you in what you are eligible for in terms of aid. Our team can be reached at 866-294-3974 or email info@ccr.edu.
When answering this question it is important to understand a few terms as we discuss program length. As an accredited college, we are required to state what the normal time frame and the maximum time frame is for each program. The stated time frame or program length is different for each accredited program we offer.
- The definition of the normal time frame is the period of time we are required to offer the entire program’s curriculum. If the normal time frame is 28 months, we are required to offer each course in the curriculum for the program within 28 months. A student has an opportunity to complete the program in 28 months, if they progress at a regular rate, and are enrolled full time (12 credits) each semester.
- The definition of the maximum time frame is the period of time a student is allowed to be enrolled in a program and earn the academic credential for that program. If the maximum time frame is 44 months, the student must complete all required course work within 44 months.
- Can a student attend beyond 44 months of enrollment? Yes, but they cannot receive the program’s academic credential.
Now, stating that our normal and maximum time frames are 28/44 months for our associate degree court reporting program does not mean that a student will complete the program in 28 or 44 months. It is important to uderstand that court reporting programs consist of academic course work and skill development course work. The skill development component is where program completion times vary from student to student. Every student learns, develops, and progresses with their skill at different rates. Please speak with our administrative staff regarding the average completion time for our students who complete their respective programs.
Steno Method
It is important for students to have all required equipment, software, and books prior to their first day of class.
Steno Machine: The following are recommended steno machines that may be purchased or rented:
- Luminex CSE
- Elan Cybra
- Stentura Protege
- Infinity Traditional
- Wave
If you have another model you would like to use, just ask the admissions department for our advice. Steno machines may be purchased at discounted prices at: www.stenoworks.com, www.acculaw.com, https://www.stenograph.com/student-writer-packages or www.geminiwriter.com.
Transcription Software: Students must also purchase the student version of CaseCATalyst, a computer-aided transcription (CAT) software program. This software provides the technology that translates the language of your steno theory into English. The software will require a Computer Operating System: PC-based system running Windows 8, 10, or higher. (Apple/Mac computers running Windows are not acceptable.)
Stenograph Corporation: CaseCATalyst:
For current pricing and purchase options you can click the following link or call Stenograph’s toll-free number for more information: 800-323-4247. Link: https://www.stenograph.com/student-writer-packages
Voice Method
It is important for students to have all required equipment, software, and books prior to their first day of class.
Students must purchase the student version of CaseCATalyst Version 21.70 (not the current version), a computer-aided transcription (CAT) software program. For current pricing and purchase options you can click this link https://www.stenograph.com/catalyst-student or call Stenograph’s Education Specialist for more information 800-323-4247 ext. 5473.
For laptops, click on the following link to view the approved laptop packages from Martel Electronics Link: https://martelelectronics.com/ccr
Order your textbook here: Https.lulu.com/shop
CCR’s transfer policy is in accordance with accreditation policy for transfer credit. Transfer consideration will be given consideration based on an evaluation of official transcripts, grades and credits earned, and relevance of courses to CCR courses. Please note that time to complete the program is not dependent on how many credits are transferred or on full- or part-time status. It is dependent on how quickly one develops the skill and accuracy and completion of all course and graduation requirements.
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