Spirit Week at College of Court Reporting

CCR students (onsite AND online), faculty, and staff – DON’T FORGET SPIRIT WEEK STARTING MONDAY!!!!

Take a picture of yourself and post it here on our CCR Facebook page. Whoever gets the most likes each day for their themed costume, gets a prize!!! The days are as follows:

  • Monday – Red, white and blue day
  • Tuesday – Dress as your favorite teacher day
  • Thursday – Pajama Day
  • Friday – Professional Day

Also, on Friday we’ll be having a Ribbon Cutting/Open House starting at 11:30 a.m. Please come if you live locally!!! ALL are invited to this event, whether you attend or work at our school or not!!! We’ll have sandwiches and refreshments.

Please come out and help us celebrate the 1st annual National Court Reporting & Captioning Week February 17 – 23.

See you here!!!!