Why I Want to be a Court Reporter
Why I Want to be a Court Reporter
By: Gabrielle Mosher
MCRA Scholarship Winner!
Gabrielle Mosher recently applied and was awarded the Mississippi Court Reporters Association Scholarship.
Read her Essay below….
“Why I Want To Be A Court Reporter”
Throughout my life, my mother has always been a great inspiration to me. I can think of no better way to honor her than to follow in her footsteps in my chosen career. My mother decided to return to college when I was four years old. I can remember as a little girl watching her spend countless hours studying her books and practicing on that strange-looking little machine. She was a full-time college student with a full-time job, who also did PTO and car-pooled a local group of tiny ballerinas to dance class every week. She was also 25 years old, recently divorced, and a single mother. This is how I learned the value of hard work and a good education.
I remember asking her once why she had chosen to go to school to learn something that required so many hours of daily practice and studying. Her answer was short and simple, yet powerful: “If it were easy, anyone could do it.” That single statement impacted me greatly. She gave me the best of her determination. She taught me independence and placed the highest emphasis on education. All of these traits are needed to be successful in court reporting.
My mother ultimately graduated at the top of her class and achieved her goal of becoming a court reporter, and she now proudly holds the certifications of RPR, CRR, and RMR. My goal is to follow in her footsteps and obtain those same certifications one day.
Watching my mother through the years has taught me that court reporting is not a career for the faint of heart. Now that I am attending court reporting school myself, I have learned that the schooling can be grueling, filled with and highs and lows (and occasionally a few tears) as you feel the excitement of finally passing out of that one difficult speed only to move on to tackle the next higher one. On the other hand, it has also taught me that court reporting is also a very rewarding career. As a court reporter, I will play a critical role in legal proceedings and sit at the front and center of civil and criminal cases, capturing every word spoken.
I am confident that the example my mother set and the work ethic she instilled in me will carry me through court reporting school and will help me to be not just a successful court reporter, but an amazing one. In closing, I think back to my mother’s words of, “If it were easy, anyone could do it.” It certainly isn’t easy, but I am incredibly proud to say I am definitely doing it!