
freeclass2Enrollment Open: Open Enrollment for 2023 has begun. CCR starts new theory classes every 5 weeks.  New theory and speedbuilding transfer/returning students may enroll for the following upcoming start dates: July 8, 2024, August 19, 2024, October 7, 2024, and November 18, 2024.  To get started, visit our Admissions Page.   


freeclass2NCRA DiscoverSteno™ A to Z™ ProgramCollege of Court Reporting is proud to offer the NCRA A to Z™ Program!  This informational program will cover the importance of court reporting and realtime professions, the history of court reporting, the value of skill and academic courses, the career paths, and the tools for success. If you would like to be considered for participation in this no obligation program and have a member of our team contact you, please complete the following link:  Course Signup Link

College News

  • Carmen James photo1

    Tales from the Internship

    By: Carmen James - CCR High Speed Steno Student     Hello CCR family. I had an amazing opportunity during my internship that I would love to share with all of you.   On August 29th through the 31st I got to sit in on a ve ...

    by Natalie Kijurna
    Wednesday, 15 November 2023
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