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CCR Awards Over $30,000 in Scholarships to 36 Students

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Hobart, IN--This fall, College of Court Reporting (CCR) was one of four colleges in the nation to receive a U.S. Department of Education's "Training for Realtime Writers" grant. CCR will use grant funds to train and place students in the field to help meet the national demand for qualified court reporters and realtime writers.

With this grant of $300,000, CCR's first phase of spending will come in the form of scholarships for 36 of their currently enrolled court reporting students. The 36 students receiving awards were selected through a scholarship competition.

The award of over $30,000 in total scholarships will take place at the end of the Fall 2012 semester. Scholarship awards range from $185.29 to $1,687.63 per recipient. This grant will also allow CCR to offer an additional $70,000 in scholarships during the Winter and Summer 2013 semesters.

The following CCR students were selected as award winners: Lynn Bannon, Shannon Barnes, Brittany Beaver, Mitzi Boardman, Rachelle Cahoon, Laci Chelette, Stacy Coonfield, Darci Corbett, Jennifer Cormican, Andrea Dalsing Pam Dean, Aimee Edwards-Altadonna, Cindy Forrister, Emily Garris, Monica Gerard, Gina Keener, Susan Kemph, Dominique LaJeunesse, Lan Le, Michelle LeGrand, Jennifer Mackay, Natasha McCall, Gwe O'Connor, Christine Obermeyer, Mary Orloff, Kirsti O'Sullivan, Alicia Rice, Kari Rients, Deborah Sekan, Laura Shapiro, Kimberly Storr, Meredith Thompson, Marie Tibaldi, Keli Vogt, Norma Wehby, and Chani Zundell.

These students completed the scholarship application and wrote essays relating to professionalism and to specific plans to improve skill and speed development required by court reporters and realtime writers. CCR would like to congratulate these individuals and encourage other students to pursue future scholarship opportunities offered at CCR.

College of Court Reporting was the first online program in the country to be certified by the National Court Reporters Association. The College is now on track to produce more graduates this year than any other court reporting school in the country. For more information on furthering your education, contact Nicky at 866-294-3974.

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