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CCR is Looking to Launch Commercial at the 2014 Super Bowl!

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We have made it to round 2! Yes, the second round of the Intuit, Small Business Big Game, contest! This is very exciting!! After this round, the field narrows to 20 businesses.

We have an opportunity to run a 30 second commercial during the Super Bowl in 2014! Click on the link below and vote for us! By doing so, you will help us continue our efforts to make dreams come true!

Click Here!

Hobart, In -- In 1983, Kay Moody started teaching court reporting to three students in her living room. Today, College of Court Reporting educates over 200 students to become professionals dedicated to working in the legal field, helping individuals who are Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing learn in the classroom by translating the spoken word immediately into text on their laptops, and captioning live events like the Super Bowl! Kay Moody, court reporter, homemaker, and mother of four worked seven days a week to make her dream a reality. Thirty years later, students still benefit from her dedication and passion. Most importantly, students will continue to benefit!

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