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ISRA Awards Student Scholarship

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CCR Student Earns Scholarship

Hobart, IN -- College of Court Reporting would like to congratulate Margaret Abernathy, a recent recipient of a Indiana Shorthand Reporters Association Scholarship. The funds were awarded during the convention which took place Saturday, September 28th. In order to receive this award, the students had to submit an essay to the board. This year the scholarship was split between two entries. Congratulations, Margaret! We are proud of you!

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The mission of the College of Court Reporting is to educate students in the fields of computerized realtime machine shorthand technology, court reporting, realtime reporting for students who are deaf and hard-of- hearing, medical transcription, administrative assistant, and word processing. Students will have the education, skills, academic background, technical knowledge, and hands-on experience required to enter a variety of careers... Learn more about our mission!

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